Reifendruck bmw r 1200 rt

MICHELIN Reifen für bmw r-1200-rt : Druck & Abmessungen Aber mal ganz davon abgesehen, halte ich es schon für richtig, einen vernünftigen Reifen mit einigermaßen korrekt eingestelltem Luftdruck nach Herstelleranleitung zu fahren, da ich nicht weiß, ob im Extremfall Luftdruckdifferenzen den Unterschied zwischen Schreck und crash ausmachen können.
Reifen Luftdruck - It has BMW's recommended tire pressures for 1-up, 2-up and 2-up with luggage. I've found their recommendations to be quite good. Bike rides well and handles well, and tire wear is about in line with those people running much higher pressures because someone told them to.

Reifendruck? - Just installed Michelin Pilot Road 4 GT tires on my RRT. BMW dealer put pressures at 36 psi rear and 30 psi front. RRt manual has these at 42 psi rear and 36 psi front. Dealer pressures seem low. No low pressure error codes on the console and seems handling is ok.

Tyre pressures - BMW R1200RT/R1250RT Forum

R1200RT Tire pressure - BMW MOA Das BMW RDC der RRT zeigt übrigens nicht den wahren Reifendruck an sondern rechnet den aktuellen Reifendruck unter Berücksichtigung der gemessenen Temperatur (Thermometer eingebaut!) hoch auf einen kalten Reifen (15°C, Norm-Atmosphäre).

The RT and Tire Pressures.: BMW Luxury Touring Community

It became quite apparent to me that the RT is very sensitive to tire pressure, that is, you will feel a huge difference in performance of the bike along with different tire pressure, in particular the front tire! First, let's take a look at what BMW recommends for tire pressures: For my prior '07 RT, BMW recommends: Front.

Tyre pressures fully loaded - BMW R1200RT/R1250RT Forum

Tyre pressures - BMW R1200RT/R1250RT Forum The Michelin tyre fitment guide recommends PR4 GT's for all RT's, with tyre pressures of bar (36 psi) & bar (42 psi).

Tire Pressure - BMW R1200RT/R1250RT Forum For Hexheads () and Camheads (), BMW recommend two different sets of tyre pressures depending on the loading on the bike. One-up 32/36 or, two-up and/or with luggage 36/ On Wetheads () and Shiftheads (), there is only one set of recommended tyre pressures 36/42, irrespective of the loading on the bike.
reifendruck bmw r 1200 rt

Tyre pressures fully loaded - BMW R1200RT/R1250RT Forum The required tyre pressure for R RT front tyre is 36 psi, and for rear tyre is 42 psi. BMW R RT Bike comes in 2 variant(s) and below you can find the correct tyre pressure that needs to be filled in all 2 tyres. The air pressure for R RT Tyres varies for Loaded and Unloaded vehicle.